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Düşük bel / Low waist
Bol kesim / Loose cut
Geniş paça / Wide leg
Ön 3 pile / Front 3 pleats
Arka Cepli / Pockets on the back
Bel ayar düğmesi / Waist adjustment button
**The fabric, color and patterns are variable. The cut and features are model specific.

Düşük bel / Low waist
Şalvar kesim / Shalwar cut
Dar paça / Narrow leg
Ön 2 pile / Front 2 pleats
Arka ^ pile / Back ^ pleat
**The fabric, color and patterns are variable. The cut and features are model specific.

Düşük bel / Low waist
Bol kesim / Loose cut
Geniş paça / Wide leg
Ön 2 pile / Front 2 pleats
Arka ^ pile / Back ^ Pleat
Yanı dikişsiz / Side seamless **
**The fabric, color and patterns are variable. The cut and features are model specific.

Düşük bel / Low waist
Normal kesim / Reguler cut
Normal paça / Normal leg
Ön 3 pile / Front 3 pleats
Arka Cepli / Pockets on the back
**The fabric, color and patterns are variable. The cut and features are model specific.

Düşük bel / Low waist
Rahat kesim / Relaxed cut
Normal paça / Normal leg
Pilesiz / No pleat
Arka Cepli / Pockets on the back
Cep Kenarları kombin / Pocket edges combined (
**The fabric, color and patterns are variable. The cut and features are model specific.

1 - Normal ağlı pantolon seviyesi Normal Crotch 2 - Düşük ağlı pantolon seviyesi Low crotch pants

Normal bel / Normal waist
Düşük Ağ / Low crotch
Bol kesim / Loose cut
Dar paça / Narrow leg
Ön 2 pile / Front 2 pleat
Arka ^ pile / Back ^ pleat
**The fabric, color and patterns are variable. The cut and features are model specific.
by.Michael Nadtochi

Royal Nuevo (New)
Yüksek bel / High waist
Geniş Kemer / Wide pants belt
Şalvar kesim / Shalwar cut
Dar paça / Narrow leg
Ön 2 pile / Front 2 pleats
Arka ^ pile / Back ^ pleat
**The fabric, color and patterns are variable. The cut and features are model specific.
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